NPC 2023 - Sfen

NPC 2023

Sept. 25 to 28, 2023
Conférence internationale

The NPC conference is the key point meeting for the nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry international community. Since the 2018 edition of the NPC conference in San Francisco, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chemists from nuclear power plants all around the world did not have much opportunity to attend in person an international conference dedicated to nuclear chemistry.  

The 2023 edition in Antibes – Juan les Pins will allow them to meet face to face again.

Topics include: Safety, materials’ integrity, maintenance and duration of operation, radiation field management, advanced reactors, environment preservation, improvements of monitoring and surveillance.

The aim is to share and transfer knowledge via oral and poster presentations covering operating experience, scientific studies and future trends.​

The conference will also feature the biennal Workshop on radiolysis, electrochemistry and material performance.


NPC 2023, 22nd edition of the International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems (PWR, BWR, PHWR, VVER, other advanced reactors as SMR…) will focus on the following topics :

  1. Secondary water chemistry
    Operating experience Scientific studies Future trends Conditioning & treatment Corrosion & deposition Surveillance & control
  1. Primary water chemistry & radiochemistry
    Operating experience  Scientific studies  Future trends  Corrosion  Conditioning & treatment  Radiation fields  Fuel  Surveillance & control  Chemistry & radiochemistry in Abnormal Condition
  1. Auxiliary systems water chemistry & waste treatment
    Primary, secondary, open & closed cooling systems  Conditioning & treatment  Corrosion & deposition  Surveillance & control  Microbiology
  1. Maintenance & long term operation
  2. Monitoring updates & new developments
  3. Numerical & simulation tools
  4. Advanced reactors

About Sfen

The French Nuclear Society is the French knowledge hub for nuclear energy. Created in 1973, the Sfen provides a space where all those who are interested in nuclear energy and its applications can obtain and exchange information.

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