Program - Sfen


July 6 to 8, 2022
Conférence internationale

Invited Plenary Speakers: click here

8:30 am
⏰ Congress Center Opening
9:30 am
Welcome Address & Opening - Plenary 1
11:00 am
Plenary 2
12:30 am
Exhibition opening & Welcome Cocktail
2:00 pm
Technical sessions in //

2a | 3c | 5a

4:00 pm
☕ Break
4:30 pm
Technical sessions in //

3d | 5c | 2d

6:30 pm
End of day 1
8:00 am
⏰ Congress Center Opening
8:30 am
Technical sessions in //

3b* | 5b | 6a

10:30 am
☕ Break
11:00 am
Plenary 3
12:30 am
🍴 Lunch
2:00 pm
Technical sessions in //

4a+4b | 5d | 6b

4:00 pm
☕ Break
4:30 pm
Technical sessions in //

2b | 5e | 6b

6:45 am
Keynote speech
7:30 am
🌟 Conference reception
*Special session 1

Nuclear mining techniques and Sustainability

8:00 am
⏰ Congress Center Opening
8:30 am
Technical sessions in //

1a+1b | 2c | 3a** | 6c

10:30 am
☕ Break
11:00 am
Plenary 4
12:30 am
⌛ Closing
12:45 pm
🍴 Lunch
1:30 pm
Technical visit(a)

▪ 12:30 pm: Departure from Reims Congress Center
▪ 2:30 pm: Visit
▪ 4:30 pm: Departure for Troyes Train Station

**Special session 2

Front ends markets: updates and prospects


1 • Nuclear energy outlook and prospects
1a • Nuclear energy in the energy transition| 1b • Impact of current trends on the nuclear cycle

2 • Fuel Cycle Options including technical-economical evaluations
2a • Industrial practices in water-cooled reactors| 2b • Advanced fuel cycle options for thermal neutron reactor systems | 2c • Focus on MSRs as a fuel cycle option 9 | 2d • Other Generation IV nuclear systems as a fuel cycle option

3 • Nuclear fuel cycle front-end
3a • Front ends markets: updates and prospects | 3b • Nuclear mining techniques and Sustainability | 3c • Uranium processing and conversion and enrichment | 3d • Nuclear fuel design and fabrication: includes innovations, ATF

4 • Spent fuel storage & transportation
4a • Extension of storage period: ageing management, relicensing.. | 4b • Long term storage systems and behavior of SF under storage, SF integrity under storage conditions and innovation

5Fuel recycling
5a • LWR process head and extraction | 5b • LWR Fission products | 5c • LWR Analysis| 5d • LWR Mixed oxide fuel manufacturing and reprocessing – Fast neutron reactor fuel manufacturing and reprocessing (MOX, metal fuel) | 5e • Partitioning and transmutation: fuels and recycling processes

6 • Waste management
6a • Waste management Strategy / Options | 6b • Waste Treatment / Conditioning| 6c • Disposal / Storage

7 • Non-proliferation and safeguards
7a • Non-proliferation and safeguards