FISA 2022 & EURADWASTE '22 - Sfen


May 30 to June 3, 2022
Conférence internationale

The CEA and the European Commission invite all relevant stakeholders* to participate to the 10th Edition of Euratom research and training conferences on fission safety of reactor systems (FISA 2022) and radioactive waste management (EURADWASTE ’22). These events are organised under the scope of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Nuclear Valley, the Sfen and the SNETP are also strongly involved. Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is kindly hosting and supporting all events taking place during that week. The access to this event is entirely free of charges but submitted to a pre-registration process.

Gathering some 200-300 each and 500 stakeholders’ altogether, FISA 2022 and EURADWASTE ’22 conferences objectives are:

  • To take part to discussions on the state of play of R&D and key challenges addressed at national, European and international levels, synergies and partnerships and future perspectives.
  • To share updated information on achievements of some 80 projects carried out since the previous conferences edition in 2019 (as part of the Horizon 2020 Euratom Research and Training Framework Programme),
  • To interact within dedicated parallel and poster sessions, exhibitions, business and Young Generation Nuclear researchers’ matchmaking interviews (YGN, Atomicareers)…
  • To reward relevance and excellence performed in nuclear research and innovation: ENEN PhD Event & Prize, calls for PhD and MSc posters, R&D topics and Nuclear Innovation Prize,
  • To learn more about the latest European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period 2021-27, ‘Horizon Europe’ and ‘Euratom Research and Training’ programmes, and forward-looking key policy recommendations from all stakeholders and policy makers.

* Research and training organisations, academia, industry, small and medium enterprises, spin-offs and start-ups, technology platforms, waste management organisations, technical support organisations, national government officials, European fora and European civil society, and International Organisations e.g. IAEA and OECD/NEA.

About Sfen

The French Nuclear Society is the French knowledge hub for nuclear energy. Created in 1973, the Sfen provides a space where all those who are interested in nuclear energy and its applications can obtain and exchange information.

Our upcoming events


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Fontevraud 11

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