Long term Decommissioning programs of nuclear facilities (NPPs, fuel cycle plants, research facilities, etc.) are major stakes for the nuclear industry, and we need innovation initiatives.
How to trigger innovation ? How could we attract young researchers and engineers in D&D ? What are the next D&D, recycling and waste management challenges ? How to anticipate the future dismantling of very new projects, as SMR and AMR ?
This SFEN international conference is a unique opportunity to share worldwide experience in the field of Decommissioning Strategy and Program Development, Regulation Evolution, Development of New D&Ds’ Technologies, Initial Radiological State Characterization, Feedback & Challenges of D&D Complex Operations, Material and Radioactive Waste Management, Buildings and Sites Rehabilitation, Economic, Financial Aspects and Contracting of Dismantling Operations, Digital Contribution to D&D Operations.

About Sfen
The French Nuclear Society is the French knowledge hub for nuclear energy. Created in 1973, the Sfen provides a space where all those who are interested in nuclear energy and its applications can obtain and exchange information.